Thursday, January 31, 2008

My First Political Post

I'm treading on thin ice.  I know I may catch some heat.  This is my first political posting.  

Last night I was watching the Republican debate on CNN.  Four candidates Romney, McCain, Paul and Huckabee, in that order from right to left.  Anderson Cooper moderated the debate.

Here is what happened.  The questions were all aimed at McCain and Romney.  The purpose was obvious they were intending to get these two guys to pull  Clinton/Obama debate fight.  The problem I have with this is CNN wasn't out to hear these candidates share their ideas and their plans, CNN was just going for ratings and wanted to enhance their own agenda.

Poor Huckabee, who is a much more polished speaker than Romney and McCain combined, and poor Paul were just sort of sitting at the end of the table getting totally ignored.  If CNN really wanted to benefit Americans and help us with our decision on who we are going to vote for they would have spread the questions and the debate out among all 4 candidates.  What CNN has done, in their silence towards Huckabee and Paul, has endorsed Romney and McCain and I bet they lean more towards McCain.

Quite honestly McCain scares me because he has been a senator for a long time and I'm one American that is sick of the junk going on in our Capital.  I respect his career, I look up to him as a war hero but I wonder if he won't say one thing and do another like most senators.  I don't trust our government anymore, it is broken.

Romney makes me nervous.  He looks good, speaks good, has a good reputation as a business leader.  I'm just not sure that I line up with his thoughts and plans.  I'm reminded of President Bill Clinton and the fact that he looked good and spoke well whenever I look at Romney, it's  gut feeling.

Paul cracks me up.  I wish they would let him talk more.  I don't agree with some of his points but then there are some I totally agree with.  It appears to me he is sick of our broken government as well.  He is right that we need a revolution, a change in our government, just some of his views scare me a bit.  I did like his comment last night that the debate should focus more on the issues and quit wasting time with frivolous arguments of who said what about whom.

Huckabee is a great speaker, he knows how to clearly articulate his thoughts.  Huckabee doesn't go for the jugular on his opposition.  He is fighting a clean fight and not slinging mud.  I can't find anything in my gut that tells me to not trust Huckabee (I do with the other three).  I know that if my president was sitting down to talk with a foreign leader I know I could trust Huckabee because he knows how to make a point without ticking someone off or coming across as arrogant and power hungry.  Finally I know I can trust Huckabee because Chuck Norris trusts Huckabee.  Chuck Norris can take his left little toe and place it very swiftly to my right temple and knock me out.  The eyes of the ranger are upon you". . ."When you're in Texas look behind you.  Cause that's where the Ranger's gonna be."

Chuck is politically conservative which totally goes against the grain of Hollywood and the acting elite.  If Chuck likes Huckabee, why can't I?  

"How'd ya like a round house from one of these babies?  Forget about it." - Rex Kwando, Martial Arts Instructor in Napoleon Dynamite.

These are some political thoughts from the ADD mind of American citizen.
I'm Andy Lawrenson and I approve  this blog.


Rick Lawrenson said...

I just hope you weren't implying tht Chuck Norris is among Hollywood's acting elite.

But you're dead right about CNN. And from what I've heard today, McCain and Romney fell prey to their trap.

Too bad.

Anonymous said...

YES - I watched and thought exactly the same thing. I'm glad Huckabee pointed it out over and over though. He's a witty guy. He made me laugh almost every time he spoke, but followed up with something very intelligent. Wish he had a chance...

From what I've heard, he's staying in as long as possible to help out McCain. Sweet of him - because Romney is just a weezle.

Andy Lawrenson said...

Chuck Norris is one of the greatest all time actors. If you say differently he may just kick you on the top of your head.
Surely Walker Texas Ranger has proven his incredible acting skills.

Anonymous said...

Above is a link to an interesting little questionaire. It asks you your position on certain political topics, and then asks you to rate their importance to you.

I mention this because, Huckabee is tied for first place on my list, and I know almost nothing about him! It never dawned on me that he was being supressed! But I watched the "debate" too, and he truly was banished, and he addressed it, and handled it with grace ... and yeah, you're right, we NEED that in a leader!

PS ... I'm one of your new readers who found you from Nathan. Prolly won't meet you here, but, see you at the marriage supper! GBU!

Andy Lawrenson said...

I took the same online quiz and Huckabee was my first place result

Scott Lawrenson said...

I haven't been paying attention; is there an election coming up?

Anonymous said...

You echo my political thoughts exactly...well maybe not the Chuck Norris part...but I thought the debate was a bit skewed myself and I keep wondering when someone is going to have a debate where they will go around the table and allow all the candidates to speak. Huckabee is very articulate and what he says makes sense if they would just let him speak.

I am Nancy H and I approved this comment!

Agnes said...

They really need ask only one question of each candidate; "What is the function of the Federal government"? Whoever comes closest to the Constitution's definition gets my vote.

Anonymous said...

McCain scares me. He thinks he's a general.

Rick Lawrenson said...

So what Agnes means is..."I like Ron Paul". Ha! I outed you.

Where's Ross Perot when you need him?

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