Thursday, January 24, 2008

Faith Part 2

Anyone that has ever done the "trust fall" knows faith.  The "trust fall" goes like this.  You climb up onto a platform, behind you on the ground is a group of people, this group lays their hands out to catch you, then you stand on the edge of the platform with your back towards the group and then fall backwards.  When doing this you are trusting that this group is going to catch you.  Trust is a part faith.  Once you lean back to fall you have totally surrendered control.  

Faith is total surrender.  Surrender is not an easy thing for us to do as humans.  We naturally want the control.  I fly, but for me it isn't easy to hop on that jet and relax.  Why?  I'm not in control.  I have to trust someone up front in the cockpit knows what he or she is doing.   I have to trust that a mechanic, that I don't know, has given the jet a thorough check up.

As a 7 year old boy I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior.  Now at 7 I didn't know much other than the fact that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so I could have a relationship with God and spend eternity in heaven when my life on earth is over.  That was an act of faith.  Faith of a child.  Children often simply accept things at face value don't they?  They don't try to confuse things.  As adults we have a hard time not confusing things or making things more difficult than they really are.

Is faith, total surrender, easy?  Not for most of us.  But all we need is the tiny faith, faith of a mustard seed.  Why not surrender totally (have faith in) to God?  After all He created this world we live in.  Since God can make life why not trust him with life?

Tomorrow I'll share about a time when I came to realize what total surrender is all about.


suzie said...

Hi Andy,

Thank you for the tips on how to make my eyes do strange things, I've had a quick practice in the mirror tonight but don't know whether I've acheived it because when I go cross-eyed I can't see straight. Everyone's in bed now so I can't ask them if I'm doing it right, but I'll be sure to test it out in the morning.

'Surrender' is something I'm aiming to get to this year, I don't really know why I'm finding this hard to do, maybe its because I was born and brought up as a catholic and its difficult to let go of something you've practiced since childhood. What I am sure of is that I was meant to go along to this new church and I certainly come away from there feeling uplifted and peaceful.

Anyway, its nice to meet you, sending much love to you and all your family.

Andy Lawrenson said...

Suzie -

Practice makes perfect. Just be careful that your eyes don't get stuck that way.

Thanks for praying for Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth.


Leslie said...

Just saw your comment on the nhcmissions blog. I just have to say - you are a trip! It's great that you can bring humor into everything. God bless you for it!

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