Thursday, January 10, 2008

What amazes you?

What amazes you?
Check out this tiny foot!  That amazes me.  For someone to look at this incredible little girl and say, "there is no God" would amaze me.  Look at the foot again!  You are looking at a miracle!
"Well, Andy, babies are born premature everyday."  Dang right they are so this means that there are miracles all around us.  Does that not amaze you?

I'm amazed that Tricia and Gwenyth both made it through Tuesday and Wednesday after two incredibly strenuous and stressing days.  I'm amazed!  I'm amazed that today is going good for them.

I'm amazed that God hears our prayers and is concerned about what concerns us.  That's amazing!  Our prayers probably sound like the rumbling of waves on the ocean, or the rapids on a river, constant, never ceasing.

I'm amazed!  I'm amazed that God the Father, the Creator of this universe would be interested in my life.  That's amazing!  I'm amazed that God knows how many hairs are on my spiked haired head.  That amazes me!

I'm looking out my office window at Jockey's Ridge State Park, the largest sand dune on the east coast.  That amazes me!  God is the Creator and I'm glad because as Creator he has the best creative abilities  so we don't live in a boring everything looks the same world.  A block from my office is the beach, the ocean is incredible!  That amazes me!

I'm amazed!  I'm amazed that God the Father loved you enough to send his Son, Jesus Christ to the earth to die on the cross for your sins.  I'm amazed that God did the exact same thing for me. I'm amazed!  I'm amazed because even though I would probably be labeled "a good person" I know that I'm not good.  I know I have fallen short.  But I'm amazed because God has saved me through His Son Jesus Christ.

What amazes you?


Jenny said...

I stand amazed right next to you. God has done some miraculous things in the past few days and it's awesome to watch.

I'm also amazed at how many people he's brought together through this story and for the one mentioned, but possibly several more who have accepted Christ as their Savior as a result of this.


Laurie in Ca. said...

I too am overwhelmed with amazement right now at the Greatness of God. That He is Big enough to be with each person at that hospital right now, watching over Gwenyth and Tricia and comforting Nate and the other family there, and at the same time can hear and answer the Ocean Roars of all the prayers being sent up to Him at the same exact moment. HE IS SO BIG I cannot wrap my heart around the thought that He still has time for me this very moment.
Does anyone know how Big He Is?? He is stretching my heart out to the maximum. And I was just thinking after reading so many posts of people at work who are glued to this miracle, that if the time spent checking could be measured by their minutes in money, and donated to Tricia's fund, Nate and Tricia would probably receive a refund after all of this was paid for!!!
This would be time well spent. Bless you so much "Uncle Andy" for your updates. God sure is showing Himself through your posts. May many more come to know Him through this mighty miracle unfolding.

Laurie in Ca.

George said...

I am amazed that GOD is big enough to rule his mighty universe yet small enough to live within Gwenyth's little heart. Her heart that is much smaller than her little foot! I wonder what great plans he has for her life. WOW! What a miraculous beginning! What an impact on this world! I am amazed at how GOD is now using the Lawrenson family for a world wide ministry. I am amazed at how well you have all been prepared for this time and how well you have responded to Gods plan. Paula and I are in constant prayer for all of you.


George said...
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Tina said...

I'm glad I stopped by your blog before bed Andy. A tear, a smile and a prayer to God thanking him for so many, many, things. Yeah...ditto to everything you said - and thanks for saying it so well.

~T Hughes

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you in amazement.


Anonymous said...

When my son, Lincoln, was born at 24 weeks weighing 1 lb. 11 oz., I already knew that God existed. I had become a Christian at an early age and had always believed in his ability to do miraculous works. But there it was. A miracle staring me right in the face. A child. And not just any child. My child.

I remember the first 7 days and how critical they said that it was. I remember the feeling of not knowing if he's live or die and wanting to be beside his bed every second of every day in case I missed his passing. As I sat there one day, it hit me like a ton of bricks...This is how God must've felt to watch his son suffer on the cross for us, and yet, to know he would die, to be sure of it...Wow. I was humbled. I thanked God for sending his son, knowing that he'd suffer and die. And I thanked God for sending my son, knowing that he'd do whatever he was meant to do in life.

And here we are over one year later. Lincoln was born on Christmas Eve, 2006. He's healthy. Alive. And teaching others about God's love and his ability to hear our prayers.

Thank you for telling Nate and Tricia's story. I have commented to Nate several times. I am praying so very hard for their family. I remember going through the NICU experience with my husband. I can't imagine doing it alone. Nate is strong as he lets God make him.

Thanks again.

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