Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wrap it up to go please!

Wow!  The 6th annual The Call at NHC is over.  What a truly incredible weekend we had together.
Lessons I learned:

>I don't think we fully grasp the fellowship that the church in Acts had.
>My connection with God will affect my connection with my church
>How important is my relationship with my fellow believers at NHC?  
>Matt Orth certainly got my wheels in my mind turning.  He did an awesome job at teaching about Connecting.  (I'm hoping to have his messages available on The Call's site soon)
>I got some good bloggin material on youth ministry from my time with other youth leaders.
>Worship in song is not about the style of music.  Worship is a matter of the heart, drawing your heart to God's heart and it can be expressed in one of the great hymns of the faith like Amazing Grace or in a rockin song like Salvation is Here.  Who created music?  God (this is one I could blog on for hours, not something I learned this weekend but was reminded of)
>Students want some serious Bible teaching and not a youth ministry full of games and fluff.
>NHC has an incredible bunch of partners that are ready, willing and able to serve.  Ministering is something they desire and are passionate about.  
>As I get older I get tired easier.  I'm thinking it is time to start walking the hood so I can have a little energy when an event like this is over.
>My favorite aspect in ministry  is teaching students. (it's the best)
>My next favorite is talking with other youth leaders.
>Youth ministers everywhere want to know how to get parents involved in youth and parent ministry.  I think that takes a lot of time and a lot of work.
>I think we need a bigger box
>Exodus is a great bunch of young champions from LU.  They did a wonderful leading the worship in music.
>Andrew from Exodus lived across the street from Mish and I when he was just a couple of year old and we just met this weekend.  Crazy!

Now let's talk about The Call 09. . .


Bonnie said...

The Call (on the heels of Valentine's Day) reminded me of things I love....

I love learning more of God
(I'm not too old to learn)

I love seeing kids "get it"

I love seeing/hearing people that are passionate about their relationship with Christ and are willing to stick their necks out to share their passion with others!

I love being a part of a church that doesn't mind going the extra mile to help kids "get it"

I love being part of a fantastic team of people that love God and allow Him to work in their lives, and the lives of people around them, through ministry

I love my children and want to see them to grow up to be men of God

I love getting into the car with my son after The Call and hearing him say, "That was AWESOME"!

Thanks, Andy!

Anonymous said...

Yea...what Bonnie said!

Andy Lawrenson said...

I love reading about a mom hearing her son say, "That was awesome!"

I got a little plan for Wednesday night this week to put a little of what Matt taught into action.

Im also looking forward to the mission trip report from our 3 youth and you on Wednesday night!

CFHusband said...

seriously, though...what's with the rock concert? :D

Rick Lawrenson said...

I loved seeing so many adults from our church who aren't normally involved in youth ministry pitching in and volunteering to make The Call happen.

I loved hearing from other church leaders "Thank you for doing this for us". Part of our vision as a church is to use what God has given us and share it with other churches. It's a kingdom thing.

Thanks Andy and all of your team for giving of yourselves so that youth can be challenged to connect with God's family. Great job!

CFHusband said...

you're almost at 50,000 posts...apparently the thoughts of add youth pastors are in great demand.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! I'll be glad when we are out of the hospital so we can get back to our church. You don't realize how much you rely on and miss your church family until you aren't there - just being there in front of your face, being able to worship, being able to be fed from the word. Of course you can do all those things on your own, but there's nothing like fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm sure seeing delight in the eyes of your youth was a truly rewarding experience. Can wait to see the info you post. Thanks for sharing.


CJolly said...

I was happy to hear all the comments about how well The Call went. Great band, Exodus! Hate that I missed it!
Now off to the party...

Nancy H. said...

What I love is hearing all the kids that Dale and I shuttle to and from church talking about The Call. They absolutely loved Matt O. They thought he ws an exceptional speaker, and they were just as enthusiastic coming home from The Call at 10 PM as they were the next morning at 8 AM on the way to The Call.

Andy Lawrenson said...



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