- 4.
- He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.
- 5.
- He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.
My hands - None could enter the mountain of the temple if they were ceremonially unclean. One of the things we must strive for in our Christian walk is living a clean life. Living in such a way that we don't get caught up in a sinful lifestyle. When we trust Christ as our Savior our sins are forgiven, past, present and future but there are times we get "dirt" on our "hands" by sinning. It is in these times we need to confess, agree with God about sin. If we are gong to lift up our hands in worship they must be free from the dirt of sin. By the way this applies to living our lives as acts of worship on a daily basis not just at church on Sunday.
My heart - It can be easy to appear on the outside to have clean hands. When can fake that all is well in our lives between us and God with those around us (at least get away with it for a certain amount of time with those that truly know us). How am I inwardly? Is my heart pure before God? Am I as clean inside as I appear to be on the outside. Reminds me of the time that Jesus said the religious leaders were white washed tombs. They looked good on the outside but inside were full of dead bones. Like a cup clean on the outside but dirty on the inside. If I'm going to truly worship the one who died for me to save me from my sin I must make sure I'm clean on the inside, not hiding any sin in my life.
My Worship - Who or what do I worship in life? I must be on constant guard that nothing or no one takes the place of worshiping Christ in my life. Am I worshiping material stuffs? Where my treasure is my heart will be also. Do I treasure Jesus Christ? I guess the proof could be in my check book register, in where I spend my money.
As a husband and daddy I have to be extra careful not to put my son and wife ahead of my Lord. This can be tricky can't it? I see believers do it all the time. It's is easy to slip into that mode. If I truly treasure my Lord I'm going to make sure that I set the example to my son. If I truly treasure the Lord I'll make sure I teach Ty the importance of worship daily and personally. If I truly treasure the Lord I will make sure that Ty is at Lil' K on Sunday and when he is older Kidmo on Sunday and when he is older and a teen I'll make sure he is at youth group whether he wants to be there or not. My responsibility is to teach him the importance of treasuring the Lord, my responsibility will end when he is an adult and responsible for himself before God. (Andy is now stepping down off of his soap box, that's the youth pastor coming out of me)
My Mouth - Have I been lying? Have I trashed others with my mouth? Have I gossiped, even under the guise of a "prayer request"? Am I keeping my promises? Are my words building up or destroying?
If I want to be the one that seeks after God than I must check my actions, my heart, my worship, my mouth.
How about you?
I've never commented here before. I found your blog from Nathan's… of course.
Now that my children are grown, I guess I'm qualified to say that truly giving them to the Lord for him to use however he chooses was the best thing we ever did. You spoke of setting an example for your son with your life. That's the most important thing you will ever do for him. Another thing we did was to take our high school/college aged kids on mission trips so they could have the privilege of seeing God at work in other cultures. Those are experiences we will always treasure. Sharing the gospel with others side by side with our children changed our lives as well as theirs. Parenting is the hardest job you will ever have. I promise. But it's worth the effort. I promise.
I like the saying, "more is caught than taught".
Yeah, that's always been my husband's philosophy. BTW, he's a former youth minister. :P It seems to have worked. Our children have wonderful Christian spouses, and we couldn't have asked for more. Keep up the good work.
Most excellent post Andrew! We may be able to "fake it" with those around us, but God doesn't miss anything.
"More is caught that taught" may be the most important concept any parent can learn!
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