Cale was hot today! Campers were having a great time though.
This morning we talked about My Mission and how sharing Christ is a tool in the discipline tool bag in building a life of endurance. Last night's talk went well. I talked with a young lady today and God is obviously working in her heart and life and that's what it is all about.
This afternoon they played "poo" games. Yes, POO! Since there are horses close by their were some team competitions that involved fertilizer. Game one the team had other teams dump buckets of manure on their tarp and that that team had to run the tarp through an obstacle course. Game #2 was much fun to watch. One team member stood in a circle with a bucket on their head while the rest of the team launched manure off a tarp and the player in the circle tried to catch as much manure as possible in the bucket that was on their head. Yes, it was messy. (no pun intended) Camp Cale is the home of the "Poo Games 2008".
Tonight we talked about how God's Word is the support to what we believe and why it is important to know what we believe and to own our faith.
Let's just say that the guys on the tract on beachpreach's blog would not have appreciated today's camp. They wouldn't get it. On top of that there were drums and electric guitars in our worship time. That's right, Cale is rockin it for Jesus!
oh my....as a parent of a youngin involved in 'poo' games...I'm not too sure that 4 minute shower will do the trick. I hope he wasn't the one holding the bucket!
can you say, "e coli"?
Call it "horse biscuits" or "road apples". "Poo" sounds too metro.
Usually when I think about camps going on there I get a little nostalgic and wish I was there with you guys... I am not sad that I missed the Poo Games 08
@Bonnie - He was a launcher
@milepost13 - manure is just processed hay
@Rick - I don't name the games I just preach the Word
@Katie - You would have excelled in the Poo games
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