Sunday, August 31, 2008
Contagious Last Night
40 Days of Prayer

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Football Team Devo
What is your church's vision?
I recently heard of a church that hired a youth pastor for 5-month period. Now I’m not sure of the details as to why only 5 months but I have also heard of churches hiring youth pastors for a year at a time. I’m not sure of the thinking or reasoning behinds such decisions. What I do know is that it screams “No vision!” What is the vision of a church if it is only looking months ahead and not thinking long range? What would you do as a parent of a teen in this situation?
How does a youth minister function in that setting? I know, because I’m a family man, I wouldn’t take on a position in a church with no vision. I need to know I have a job longer than 5 months or a year. I also want to be part of a church with vision, huge vision.
Some steps a youth pastor in this type of situation can take:
- Find out the leadership’s expectations for that small time period.
- Pray for God’s vision for both the youth ministry and the church.
- Plan out a year’s calendar even if you won’t be there when some of those events or activities are scheduled to happen. Don’t just fill the calendar for the sake of activities but plan on purpose with the goal of building a healthy youth ministry.
- Map out Bible studies for youth worship gatherings.
- Keep church leadership informed on what is going on in the youth ministry.
- Build and equip a youth ministry team because one person can’t effectively minister to all the students. This will also equip a team to carry on the ministry should your position truly only last 5 months or a year.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Youth Ministry Team Meeting
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Blue 42! Blue 42! Hut Hut!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Deal or No Deal

I just heard Kashka on Deal or No Deal say, "I believe that if you say it and believe it then it will happen." She has obviously been watching some televangelists. She was down to two cases, a $5000.00 case and the million dollar case. She believed for four years now that she would be the first million dollar winner. She was offered over $500,000.00 and said, "No deal!" She knew that amount of money would set her up and take care of all her bills. But she believed she was going to be the millionaire!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Contagious Tonight
- Cookout of burgers and dogs.
- Impromptu game of ultimate Frisbee on the parking lot
- Lots of little clusters of students and volunteers sitting around chillin
- Trivia Game
- Milepost 13 Band
- See You At The Pole Video
- FCA interview with a student
- Prayer for teachers and faculty
- Message - Reaching the hurting. What will you do this school year? Luke 10:25-37
- Commissioning prayer for students committing to reaching their school campus
- Prayer time with students in prayer groups
- Ice Cream compliments of Cold Stone Creamery in KDH
- Thunder on the Ridge - sliding down Jockey's Ridge. It was sick! (video on Youtube tomorrow)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Washing Cars for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that:
- clogs the lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections; and
- obstructs the pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the body break down and absorb food.
In the 1950s, few children with cystic fibrosis lived to attend elementary school. Today, advances in research and medical treatments have further enhanced and extended life for children and adults with CF. Many people with the disease can now expect to live into their 30s, 40s and beyond.
If you are out and about in our area stop by and let me and our team wash your car for a donation. All proceeds will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Don't forget, if in our area to stop by Wendy's for lunch and mention CF when you order and 20% will go to CFF.
If you are not in our area and would like to help you can go to my home page and donate to CFF online and help our team reach our goal of $1500.00.
If you live in the OBX area and would like to participate in the Great Strides walk we have plenty of room on our team, you don't have to be a teen or parent of team to be on Team Contagious Youth.
To find out how CF has impacted our family and church go to
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I'm an A+ Student
A Refresher Course
This video interviews two of the coolest people I have had the privilege of knowing.
Guest Friendly Youth Ministry
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Contagious Tonight
- Awesome group of students tonight
- Several guests and newbies
- Students reaching out to the newbies (a few of our students are catching on)
- Parent Pod was down a bit in attendance but was still a good time of fellowship
- Ocean temp was very nice
- 90 All beef Oscar Mayers were grilled
- Bible study was about trading in guilt for grace
- Never ignore guilt
- Seek forgiveness immediately
- Explore the depth of your sin
- Repent
- Know that God's faithfulnes is bigger than your failure
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hukilau Surf Camp

Pastor Steve combined his passion for surfing and his passion for Jesus Christ several years ago and Hukilau Surf Camp was born. Today we finished up our surf camp season for 2008.
- 28 Surf Campers
- We went international with one from Russia and one from England
- Surf wasn't great today but campers learned how to withstand a pounding from the waves and boards, paddling and how to stand up on the board.
- Mickey McCarthy shared with the campers about surf photography and took some shots out in the water
- Nags Head lifeguard, Emily, shared about beach and water safety
- Steve shared how waves are generated
- I shared that God the creator of the surf desires a relationship with us and has a purpose for our lives
- More than 30 volunteers from the church served as coaches and support staff
- I forgot to rub sunblock on my noggin, Ouch!
- The lad from England won a gift certificate to SOS, a local surf shop at milepost 16ish
- Couple of other kids won fudge (not sure how that ties into surfing) from the Culinary Duck in Duck, NC
- All campers got a sweet Hukilau shirt, goodie bag, Noah's Arc DVD.

Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Equipping Ministry
There are some who churches rely on the pastor to do everything. Along the way some believers have been taught, more than likely not verbally but by example, that ministry is for the pastor or paid staff to do. So the poor pastor works himself to the bone and burns out. I’ve heard some pastors gripe about this whole situation. Who is at fault?
I remember, when I arrived at NHC, we weren’t here very long before Rick read the famous “resignation letter”. He didn’t resign from the church but Rick resigned from changing light bulbs, fixing doors, from doing things that others could easily do. What was cool was that people from the congregation stepped forward and made sure those things Rick resigned from were taken care of. What was that? That was ministry.
Imagine the sermon quality the church would get if the pastor had more time to prepare for sermons and didn’t have to do “all” the ministry in the church? Pastors need to learn to let go of ministry. Church members need to realize that all believers are ministers; you don’t have to be a “professional” to be a minister. Got Christ? You are a minister. Some churches don’t grow because they aren’t prepared for the growth. It takes every member, all hands on deck, serving in a growing church.
I sometimes find myself doing ministry that someone else in the church could be doing which ends up robbing from the ministry that I am supposed to be doing. Not only do I rob the ministry that I’m supposed to be doing but also I rob the other members of the blessing of doing ministry. I’m getting better at it though, I’m retraining my mind.
Pastors, church staff let the church do the ministry. How?
Equip – That’s our job, we are to equip the church to do ministry. Help believers learn how God has shaped them to serve. Ephesians 4:11-13
Entrust – Give the believers in the church the ministry. Hand it off and then trust them to get it done. Resist the temptation to micro manage.
Enjoy – Enjoy watching the believers in your church grow closer to God as they serve Jesus Christ and the church with the gifts God has given them. Enjoy watching the church reach her ministry potential. (Enjoy more time to do the ministry God has called you to)
Pastors are we equipping our churches to serve and giving them the opportunity to minister? Believers are we fulfilling our duty to Christ by ministering? Youth pastors are you trying to do youth ministry all on your own?
Monday, August 11, 2008
When Someone Throws Up On You
If you have been in ministry for any length of time you have had the moment or moments when someone comes up to and just throws up on you. What do I mean by throw up? Throw up is when a person who is ticked off, mad, misunderstood, cranky, ignorant (lacking knowledge) or just plain mean comes up and proceeds to spew forth words intending to cause damage to you or to someone else. When the damaging words are directed towards someone else this is plainly and simply gossip. When it is aimed right at you it’s mean and hurtful. Amazingly enough these throw up moments in ministry come from our fellow believers.
What is the deal with that? It should not be! I have never had a person who is not a follower of Christ approach me and throw up all over me about something happening in the church.
How do you respond when someone throws up on you? What is your reaction? What do you do when damaging words spew forth intended to hurt you?
If your church or ministry is going through any sort of transition be prepared because someone will more than likely throw up on you or on others in your church. People just don’t handle change well. We like things to stay the same; we want to be in our comfort zone rather than challenged to move forward.
Spew moments happen. How would you handle this? How do I react?
- I could choose to spew right back at the person and be just like them.
- I could talk down to this person and use hurtful words just to hurt them right back.
- I could stop them from throwing up when the launch is aimed at someone else by telling the person I don’t participate in gossip.
- I could vent on someone else rather than bite the person’s head off.
- I could stop and realize that this person obviously doesn’t get it.
- I could stop and realize that this person is afraid of change and insecure.
- I could consider that this person may be having a bad day and I just happen to be the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.
- I could consider that this person may be struggling with some sort of emotional issues.
- I could consider that the individual doesn’t understand the big picture and is truly focused on their own life and no one else’s. “It’s not about me” is not their slogan in life.
- I could consider that this person has never been taught how to allow the Holy Spirit to control their emotions and feelings.
- I could consider whether or not their beef is legit.
- I could stop and pray for the person or even pray with the person.
- I could choose to let it roll off my back and forget about it.
- I could attempt to talk with the individual about what they are so upset about.
- I could tell them that next time they need to throw up to throw up on someone else. Ever notice that some people seem to have a target on them for others to throw up on?
- I could just turn and walk away (I’ve done this one and perhaps it is my reaction of choice since I fear what I might say in the heat of the moment)
There are a whole slew of options when someone chooses to spew on me. I just hope and pray I handle it the right way when it does happen.
The church is people, and as we all know from personal experience, people aren't perfect.
Oh, one more, I could walk around in a poncho to protect myself. Perhaps the poncho is the shield of faith?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Operation Backpack
Friday, August 8, 2008
Last Night at Cale
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bubble Invaders
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Camp Cale Today
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Cale Day 3

Cale was hot today! Campers were having a great time though.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cale Day 2
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Cale Retreat is Hot!

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thoughts on Tourists
Friday, August 1, 2008
Impact Outer Banks
- Ten teams doing some great mission projects in our local community
- Teams were made up of students from different groups, my team had 9 students, each student from a different church.
- Churches working together
- No turf or territory wars between the youth pastors (check out
- Hundreds of people in our community were touched.
- Great lunches.
- Great music
- Community Collision was great
- Students lives were impacted
New Site is up and Running
My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at . There is also a ...

I have been attending church my entire life (43 short years) and in all those years the churches I attended had baptism services seemed like...
Rick is out of town this weekend and I'm preaching. I would like to start off with a top ten list. "Top ten reasons we know Rick ...