I brought chili bean and beef nachos on baked tortilla chips with light sour cream.
What are you bringing to the party?
You never know who might stop by the party!
My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at andylawrenson.com . There is also a ...
Bringing a Big Congrats!!! and Pizza Bites.
Now I'm thirsty so I'll bring lots of sweet tea!
Red Pepper Hummus - Oh I forgot the pita, do have some crackers?
foot long hotdogs, because that's what I had for lunch. with chili and mustard and cheddar cheese.
Ribs from Sooey's.
Footlong. . .red pepper hummus. . .ribs. . .pizza bites...
yummmmmm I think I need a swig of that sweet tea!
Cincinnati chili and onions to go with Nate's dogs.
Ok, we need something that will stick to our ribs now that we've had all that heartburn inducing foodage. How about some home made noodles...mmm mmm good, chicken and noodles! AND warm from the oven home made bread with loads of whipped honey butter.....
how about a weight watchers frozen entree?
or maybe a salad with zero fat, zero calories, and zero taste?
I guess since this is a virtual party, the calories are not real, so I'll bring caramel chocolate cheese cake!
I'll bring ice cream and all the fixins for banana splits!
Bring the cake! This is a party. Calories are ok!
Carmel chocolate cheesecake? WOW. Save me a big piece!
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