>it was cold and nasty out
>so we serve hot chocolate
>Pam brought us a chocolate ice cream cake
>cake consumed in a matter of minutes along with cheetos, popcorn, candy. All good health foods.
>Lots of just hanging out and Ping Pong during Hang Time
>Excellent game of clumps. The bigger we get the trickier it gets.
>Wrapped up Core Truth #5 - Resurrection:
Exhibit A: The Empty Tomb
Exhibit A: The Empty Tomb
Alternative Theories to the Resurrection and the flaws of those theories
Why Resurrection Matters
Why Resurrection Matters
>Arts and Crafts time - family groups drew up the front page of the newspaper on the morning of the resurrection.
>The creative juices were flowing
>Wrapped up the night with a Power Play game
>Went home and watched Idol Gives Back
Tune in next week: Core Truth #6 - Return
Man, I wish I was a Youth in NC. The study sounds good and all, but sheesh, the food sounds AWESOME!
By the way, any thoughts on an Idol winner? I've got my bets on David Cook.
I was impressed with your ability to avoid the chocolate ice cream cake.
Sorry, the idol winner will be David Archulatta (sp?)
The Castro guy (I forget his first name--has dreds
who said I avoided the cake?
weight watchers has points for ice cream cake. ;)
Jason Castro is my absolute favorite but I think America will go with Cook. Archuletta is good but I think more DisneyWorld performer cute than American Idol cute. David Cook has been about the only completely consistent contestant. Kristy Lee Cook needs to just go on home now.
So, Andy, DID YOU avoid the Contagious Food or did you savepoints for such a yummy evening?
Archuletta has the best natural voice.
You think? Really? Hmm. What was it you did in Nashville?
Ate at an I Hop and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express :)
lee - Let me add I'm also two degrees from Bacon.
There's another hint.
Radio perhaps?
Since I don't REALLY know you it wouldn't be very polite to say that you've got a face for radio so I won't say that. If I knew you, I would totally say that and you would understand I am using my sarcasm yet again. ;)
I have done radio but not in Nashville.
I feel like we're playing that old television show game "I've got a secret". Speaking of which, there is an awesome God Tube video of Keith Green playing that game when he was 11 years old. His "secret" was that he had just gotten a 5 year recording contract for his "rock n roll" music.
Ok. Nashville. Were you involved in the music industry and if yes, was it as a performer?
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