>I sit in a recliner
>I use a remote control
>I make strange noises and such
>I know how to ask for a glass of iced tea
>I can point out the dust or spots that need cleaning
>I know how to belch to express that the dinner was fantastic
>I'm sure there are other qualities I'm having a hard time thinking of them
BUT I'm going to attend the Making Marriage Seminar because although I'm perfect there may be room for improvement.
ha ha...I'm sure your wife loved that post!
oh how hard it is to be humble sometimes...what a hoot! I'm sure everyone at the seminar will be refreshed by your presence, and maybe be able to grasp hold of some poignant information you could share with them & in turn, take it back home with them to implement in their own marriages. I bet it'll take some pressure off of the seminar speaker, just knowing he has a true expert in the crowd! Once again, Andy, you're a lifesaver! Misha must be so pleased! ha, ha
Jo in NC
Ummmm… yeah. I think that would be a good idea considering your good qualities. :P We went to a Weekend to Remember and the thing I remember most is the huge fight we had. Funny, but I've talked to several other people who said the same thing. I think what we all had in common is that we've been married for 30+ years. After a while you just get used to living with certain things and there's no use bringing them up. That sounds terrible and I'm sure some people would disagree, but it's true for us. We learn to accept things that are not worth the effort of changing. And we're OK with that.
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