Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thoughts from a Youth Car Wash

Today we had a car wash to help students raise money for Student Life Camp in June.  I've done car washes for a long time and I've noticed a few things:

>no matter how many times you say, "You wash the doors on the driver's side on every car." that student ends up washing the car everywhere else but the driver's side doors.
>no matter how many times you say, "It is a lot less work and you do a better job if you carry the bucket of soap to the car instead of walking 20 feet to dip your sponge in the soap.
>some students believe they can wash an entire car with one sponge dip into the suds.
>they all want to hold the "car wash" sign at first then later you can't get anyone to hold the sign.
>girls, in general, don't wash cars as well as boys.  Not a sexist statement just the truth from a professional.
>if a kid is a talker they will miss half of what they were supposed to wash because some people can't talk and wash at the same time.
>something about nailing someone with a wet soapy sponge is fun to some people.
>someone always comes back and starts washing the car after it has been washed and rinsed.
>"Let's dump all the buckets out and start with fresh water and soap."
>"Andy, do you want to dump this bucket too?

Car washes are so much fun and a great way to bond with students and yell at them the same time.


Rick Lawrenson said...

Glad to know things haven't changed even with a whole new set of youth.

I'm still convinced that at age 13 they go brain dead.

Andy Lawrenson said...

fact of the matter is that the synapsis in the brain aren't connecting in males until they reach age 24.
so truth is they are almost brain dead. And when asked, "What were you thinking?" They truly were not thinking.

elj377 said...

You guys crack me up...on a side note...I'm a girl and I can wash a car better than my husband! Yet the girls in our youth group can't stop laughing enough at each other to wash a car! Was it a successful car wash?

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