Thursday, May 8, 2008

Contagious Last Night

Last night at Contagious....

>much weeping over the broken ping pong table

>missing students who were at school functions

>football on the front lawn (I think I saw Ramon out there playing, some lessons are never learned)

>some girls who started two weeks ago have now been three weeks straight.  I feel a magnet dance comin on.

>new girl showed up even though she knew her two friends would not be there.  Super cool!

>22 students took key tag verses home, committing to memorize a verse a week.

>adult leaders must memorize a verse this week or a students can challenge the leader and if the leader can't quote the verse they owe the kid $5.  Zoiks!

Here is our outline from last night:


Part 3: Planting God’s Word in your life

Question:  What do you have committed to memory?

What occupies the most space in your memory?

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11

Some promises from God’s Word…

·      God’s Word GUIDES me                       

Key word: direction

 Colossians 3:16

·      God’s Word FEEDS me                        

Key word: growth

Jeremiah 15:16 (NIV)

·      God’s Word STRENGTHENS me                  

Key word: temptation

 Psalm 119:9-11

Some goals for a growing Christian and God’s Word…

DESIRE it ►►► DELIGHT in it ►►► DEVOUR it ►►► DISPLAY it

Jesus said, “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:17

Some ideas for developing the habit of Bible memorization…

1. Determine if the benefits are worth the EFFORT

2. Gather some verses to MEMORIZE

Verses that: challenge/protect/guide/promise/encourage/instruct

3. Commit to a plan to develop the HABIT of memorizing Scriptures

 Joshua 1:8

If you want to use HABITS in your youth group check out Simply Youth Ministry  for this series and the tools to give students to help them establish the necessary HABITS in their lives.

So we have tackled H - hang time with God; A - accountability, B - Bible memorization.  Next week is I.

Parent/Teen Discussion:

Why is it important to memorize scripture verses?

How can scripture memorization help your life?  Change your life?

Tell your teen your favorite memory verse.

Take the $5 challenge with your teen.  Give yourselves a week and if you don't memorize a verse you owe them $5 and if your teen doesn't memorize a verse they owe you an hour worth of hard labor around the house. ;)

Next Week:



TerryKM said...

Really good stuff!

I love the idea of students challenging the adult leaders to scripture memory.

How do you know the student didn't just look in their Bible and plug it into short-term memory (long enough to recite it real quick) or do you have a way to prevent that?

marie said...

Gas Station Tacos:
"All home made stuff and they put limas, potatoes and peas in their taco meat, different yet very tasty."
I can't wait!!!
Hope there will be lots of spices & cheeses!

Rick Lawrenson said...

Groovy retro graphic.

Andy Lawrenson said...

@terrykm short term or long term either is fine with me because if they plug it in their head maybe eventually it will make it to their heart.

@marie/nhc I'm looking forward to eating the tacos as well

@rick lawrenson because I'm a groovy dude

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