Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Politics of the Pocketbook

In going back and thinking about this presidential campaign:

  • I'm glad that it will be over tomorrow
  • I'm concerned about the outcome and what we will have to deal with for the next 4 years
  • The issue that is a deciding factor for most is the politics of the pocketbook (and from what I hear on the latest our power bills are about to increase dramatically should O'Bama become our next president)
  • The war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and abortion has taken a back seat on the issues in comparison to issues like taxes.
  • Cap and Trade will suck more money out of my checking account.
  • Which candidate can I really trust?  Politicians are politicians and will say anything to get in office.  Make a speech saying one thing then meet a constituent on the street and say another. 
  • Be careful who you associate with in life, even if it is on a superficial level.  You never know, you may run for president one day.
  • Who cares where a candidate gets their clothes?  Uhhh, I guarantee one or two of the suits our candidates wear cost more than my entire wardrobe.  But I don't care.  If I was a millionaire I would probably have expensive clothes too, but for now I'll stick with my Wal Mart clothes, besides I'm more comfortable in shorts and flip flops.  If you see me in a suit someone is either getting married or buried.
  • The media's influence is incredibly huge and could be damaging
  • Concern on voting fraud.  How come no one asks for an ID when I go to vote?  What's going to happen wen I show up to vote and my name has already been checked off as having voted?  That day is coming, if not in this election it will be in the next unless something is done.
Parents, election time is an excellent time to teach your teen how to incorporate their morals and Christian values into their decision making on how to discern who to vote for.  Look for those teaching moments.  I've been reading Duck for President to my 4 year old, if only Duck were running for president. . . 

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