Thursday, June 26, 2008

Her Worship Was Her Song

Last week, when we were at camp, we had an evening worship gathering that was very powerful.  God’s presence was so strong that we stood for several minutes in silence after a song.  That’s huge considering there were 1,125 students and their youth leaders in the room.

There was a girl behind me who sang really loud.  Not that loud bothers me, but she sang really way off key.   Her singing was so bad musically that even I was having a hard time carrying the tune in the bucket.  I even cringed a couple of times.  I thought to myself, “could she maybe sing a little softer, this is killing me.”  You know some people just can’t sing and I think perhaps she may have been severely tone deaf.

As worship continued and as worship deepened in that huge chapel I soon could hear not only her singing off key but I could hear the tears in her voice as she cried out to God in worship.  It didn’t take long before I could realize that she was worshipping God with everything she had.  It was obvious that God was moving in her life.  She still sang loud and with incredible pitch problems but her singing no longer bothered me. 

I don’t know where I got confused and thought she was singing for me or to me?  It was pretty shallow of me to judge her vocal skills or lack of.  She was singing songs in worship to her Creator, to her Lord and Savior.  I know that as she sang to Him He didn’t hear her singing off key, He heard her heart; He heard the created singing to the Creator.  I was soon moved not only by the worship I was giving to God but also by the worship of this tone-deaf girl behind me.  Worshipping with her drew me deeper into worship and also taught me an important lesson.

So to the believers in Christ who say, “Well singing just isn’t my cup of tea”, I say, open up to God in song.  God’s Word is clear that we are to sing to Him.  You can’t find any scripture that says to fold your arms in worship and sit their tight-lipped.  You can find lots of scripture that tells us to sing to God.

Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; sing praise to the Lord, Selah  Psalm 68:32

A psalm. A song for the Sabbath day. It is good to praise the LORD, to sing praise to Your name, Most High,  Psalm 92:1 

Sing to the LORD, praise His name; proclaim His salvation from day to day.  Psalm 96:2

Shout to the LORD, all the earth; be jubilant, shout for joy, and sing.  Psalm 98:4

And don't get drunk with wine, which [leads to] reckless actions, but be filled with the Spirit: speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music to the Lord in your heart, giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Ephesians 5:18-20


CFHusband said...

Good post Andy.

Terry Gray Sr. said...

Thanks for that Andy. I can't sing either, I bellow. I have caught myself at times singing with the Awesome band @ NHC very loud. ( I take the time later to apoligize to the people in the row in front of me. ) But I know how that girl must have felt, the music and songs the band performs at the services excite me and I am moved to let it rip. I never really thought about it much until your post, but I guess all noises of praise are sweet songs of joy to God. I say all noises because usually the guy next to me can't sing either. Amd I bet we are making one big noise.

Good post

Michelle Jamie said...

I think I would also be one of those people that can't sing. I can hear when music is off, my classical guitar teacher even says I have a gift classical guitar, (I'm not sure I agree with him). I just can't sing and I can't bring myself to sing out loud.
My youngest son (6mths old) frowns if I sing off key so he's a good gage to practice with...ha ha

Andy Lawrenson said...

@terry gray sr. - Make a joyful noise my brother.

Debbie said...

Amen Andy, Amen!!

Apple said...

Well, I certainly make a joyfully loud I guess that qualifies. *wink*

Lee said...

AWESOME post. It gave me goose bumps (or God bumps as my 8 year old calls them) as I envisioned you sitting there cringing (haven't we all?) until you heard the conviction and love in her voice for our Lord. AMEN!

Bonnie said...

During that same worship experience, I watched the violin player. There was a marked contrast between his ability and hers, yet their motivation and passion were equal. I was reminded of King David when he "danced before the Lord with ALL HIS MIGHT". There are very few things I do in life that I can say I do 'with all my might'. We can all learn a lesson from her abandonment. She didn't care what people thought, therefore she wasn't subject to the inhibitions that most of us go through life with that cripple us. Good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me about who we are singing to!! I will remember that this weekend as my mother sings loud as can be, probably much like the girl at camp.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Good post.

It's the people who can sing and want everybody to know how well they can sing that must make God cringe.

CJolly said...


00 said...

I'm just really excited that God tells us to make a joyful (or loud, if you're a KJV fan) noise to Him, and not a high quality noise :-)

Diana said...

what a sweet slice of reality for us. Shallow to judge? Maybe for a moment, but God got your attention very quick. Isn't He wonderfuil that way!!!
Don't know you but I did enjoy this post.
God bless us all


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