We have moved our youth group meeting time, Contagious, from Wednesday night to Sunday night for several reasons. Our church meets the first Sunday night for the Lord's supper gathering and fellowship dinner. The first Sunday night in June we had several students attend that gathering that don't normally attend since this is our new meeting time for Contagious.
We kicked off After Affect (a remodeling of the old school "Afterglow" that was so popular in the seventies). For our first After Affect we went to Rita's. It was good. More pics to come on our student web site in the next week or so.

that first picture is very cool... it should be in a magazine or something, for real.
Would it be 'After EFFECT' rather than AFFECT? Guess it depends on what you mean it to mean.
...just wondering
She's right, you know. Effect. Maybe.
affect 1 |əˈfekt|
verb [ trans. ]
have an effect on; make a difference
: an effect that follows its cause after an interval (says Webster's)
... though it said "no such word exists" for 'after affect'. So - are you affecting something, or working for a desired effect? Just food for ADD thoughts....now I'm confused!
synonyms affect, influence, touch, impress, strike, sway mean to produce or have an effect upon
;make a difference
I'm glad to confuse.
Though I'm picky about grammar and word use (do you know how to correctly use 'lay' and 'lie'?) . . . in the bigger picture, you are impacting (AFFECTING) young lives in the most important way possible - for eternity. So God bless you and call the Sunday night gathering whatever you want. (-:
how about lei?
...or lye? Yes, I believe some people confuse lei and lye.
you people are knutty....
Aloha! Kget it?
dahahahaha...I think so. But I still wish somewhat educated, English-speaking humans would brush up on their lay, lie, lei, lye, leave, let, and all the rest. And while I'm on my soapbox... "where's he at?" and its and it's! In case you're wondering, yes, I drive my husband & kids crazy with this campaign....
Rita's? ... Ok, now you all have a little bit of Jersy in your life. Just throw in some South Philly cheese steaks and you are good to go!
Here is a thought.
The rules of grammar were created by men. So I'm a man and I'm changing the rules to fit how we actually speak. That's what makes ksense to me.
Agnes - I'll take a philly cheese right now.
You know Rita's is right around the corner from your home now. They are putting one in KDH also. Yeeha!
cool. I ain't got no problem with that. And my kids can write their own rules for living, too! Or hey, NO rules! yippee!
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