Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Parent discipline or discipleship?

If you took the time to perouse my previous post then you know where my mind is right now, actually I've been thinking about parents discipling (not disciplining, although I'm all for discipline) their kids. "Here church, teach our kids the Bible", this is the attitude the church has created.

What is discipleship? Discipleship is an intimate, personal relationship designed for growth and learning through imitation, dialogue and observation.

Read this:
"We have to be there. We have to show up on the job. If a parent is not available or is emotionally tuned out, or burnt out, that parent is actually contributing to the emergence of an immoral child. A parent may feed and clothe his child, buy her expensive toys, enroll her in lessons and sports, but if he fails to pass on a sense of right and wrong, he is guilty of moral neglect.
It’s our job to provide a role model, not a perfect one, but a real one. It’s our job to disciple our kids."

Here is a great article about what I'm rolling through my mind. If you are a parent you need to read this.


TerryKM said...

I swear it sounds like we've been thinking about the same things.

Was that a random find from a Google search or is this a site you frequent?

Andy Lawrenson said...

I often frequent . They have some great stuffs there for parents and youth ministers.

Rick Lawrenson said...

And I think that throwing the concept of "disciple your kid", while it is very right, is going to petrify some parents.

But perhaps the best discipleship tool parents have for their children is their own lives. Monkey see/monkey do is an inescapable fact of life.

So, in reality every parent IS discipling their kids. Just which way?

Andy Lawrenson said...

More is caught than taught....

New Site is up and Running

My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at . There is also a ...