Monday, July 7, 2008

Last Night at Contagious

Yesterday was the first Sunday of the month and at NHC we celebrate and remember our Lord on the first Sunday night each month with a Lord's Supper worship gathering and fellowship dinner.  The communion worship time was most excellent and a little different from what we have done in the past and I really enjoyed the gathering and the fellowship, round tables are a great invention.  The fellowship dinner was some ono brah.  Last night was Luau night.  I cooked traditional Kalua Pig in my oven, a pork roast wrapped in bananas and ti leaves.  I also cooked a big pot of rice and a pineapple pie.

After Affect was at Galaxy Golf.  We basically took over the mini golf course.  The girls from Russia working the little hut at the entrance was a little overwhelmed to have 44 of us descend on her at one time.  (I had called ahead earlier in the week to warn them of our arrival)  My game was fantastic with the exception of one hole.  I would have shot a 40 if I didn't have some problems with hole 14.  The students and adult leaders had a great time.  Hopefully I'll have some pics to post real soon.  

There is something great that happens when you get the youth group together for events like mini golf.  Some youth groups are imbalanced and are all fun and games.  Some youth groups are imbalanced and are all deep Biblical content.  Some groups figure out how to find the balance and offer just enough fun to help the Biblical stick.  Fellowship is like a glue that holds us together as believers and the same is true among youth ministries.  

Some mini golf tips:
1.  Call at least a week ahead and let the golf course manager know you will be bringing a group
2.  Inquire if there is a group rate (don't expect a discount simply because you are a church.  I get a little irritated when I hear believers expect a discount because they are a church group or even want the freebie treatment.  Since when was it the world's responsibility to take care of us and cater to us?)
3.  Arrange transportation.
4.  Communicate to parents the pick up time at the golf course.
5.  Have an adequate amount of adult volunteers to help (I suggest a ratio of 6 to 1)
6.  If you are collecting cash from the students do this in advance.  Make sure you arrange how you will pay the course.
7.  Have someone taking pictures.


CFHusband said...

I spend a lot of time alone on iChat these days...

Nancy H. said...

It is a nationally known fact that the youth at NHC at #1!

Poor Nate...all alone w/ iChat!

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