Names of our children are withheld for privacy reasons. For our friends and family that may comment please don’t mention their names in the comment. Thanks
I know a few are wondering how the whole process of adopting twins came about for us. First of all we realize that God’s plan for us to have a family is through the miracle of adoption, this is how our family is growing. Second we realized that our desire to parent was more important than the desire to achieve pregnancy or give birth. We also know that there are children who need a family and we are a family who desires children, a perfect match. We are amazed by a birth mom’s love for her child, to give her child the best life she possibly can.
Last summer we began the adoption process by completing a pre-application. That was about the extent of our effort. We were looking at the economy and thought there was no way financially we could adopt, as a result our adoption plans were put on hold. Our prayer was that if God wanted us to adopt, He would need to drop a baby on our laps and provide financially for the adoption.
Fast forward to December 31. I received a call from our friend at Christian Adoption Service. She asked me if we would be interested in adopting twins. I then called Misha and we both agreed we were up to the task, after all we weren’t pursuing adoption aggressively and God dropped a baby(ies) on our laps. I let CAS know that the only barrier for us adopting right now is the financing. Plainly and simply adoption is expensive and we don’t have that kind of money. Long story short the adoption agency is working with us and with some organizations to help us raise the funds. To finance the adoption will basically be a fundraising effort on our part and another miracle. Because we had put adoption on hold we had no plan for financing this adoption.
We set up a meeting with the agency for January 7. Part of this meeting would include meeting with the birth mom (people always want details but we are holding those back until the twins are old enough and interested). While at the agency they asked us if we were ready to parent twins? I said, “We will roll with the punches.” Then they threw the punch, “Your babies were born this morning!”
Life comes at you fast, in a week we went from the parents of 1 to 3. Thinking we had about 6 weeks to prepare. Our twins arrived premature. Both were healthy and doing well. We were able to go to the NICU and hold and feed them. It was incredible!
The babies were so small, I was a bit nervous about picking them up. They were hooked to monitors and there were alarms and noises going off but that didn’t bother us because of our experience in NICU this time last year with our great-niece. We got to hold them and feed them and they were only about 12 hours old.
When the nurse placed our babies in our arms I immediately fell in love. I can’t explain how that happens but it does. We weren’t sure we could adopt again, I never thought I would have a baby girl, but God had his plans.
Our prayer request now:
- The babies continue to be healthy
- For their birth mom. Her sacrificial gift of love is amazing to me and we want to continue to pray for her.
- The financing of the adoption
If you are interested in partnering with us in this adoption please drop me an e-mail me at twinsadoption@gmail.com.
you should give them code names in the meantime.
Oh yes! Code names! Fun!
Let's go with Fred and Wilma
IMHO, they are MUCH too cute for Fred and Wilma...but you're the Dad! :)
Thanks for sharing, Andy.
I think you should go with Jack and Jill - they were up on a hill (in heaven) and tumbled down into your arms :)
Maybe your should shave your head live on the internet like Nathan did. That would be a great start.
Myra in Fl
Andy, thank you for sharing the story of your twins. Congratulations!!
We use code names for our foster babies, although I wasn't as creative as Fred and Wilma.
I understand that immediate sense of falling in love, I did it with both of our foster babies, and yes, it is inexplicable.
Congratulations. You guys getting ANY sleep?
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