Thursday, December 11, 2008

Call Your Senator!

I'm just a little miffed that the government is bailing out all these big corporations who have done business poorly.  Who is gonna bail me out when I spend more than I make?

In case you haven't heard the senate is trying to tuck a pay raise for judges into the automaker bailout.   I'm not sure what judges have to do with the production of automobiles.  Anyone?
They want to give the judges the COLA, cost of living adjustment.  Many americans will not be getting a COLA this year  because of the economy.  The only COLA I'll get in 2009 is the one with Coca in front of the COLA. (and I'm not complaining about that because how can I take a raise when we have people in our church who are really hurting because of the economical situation in our nation right now)

If the government wants to give judges a raise they need to do that separate from the bailout. They had their chance in November but sat on it!

I'll be making a few phone calls to those who represent me in DC.


Nancy H. said...

Here! Here! You said what I wanted to say, but could not put into words. You are right...who will bail us out if we need it?

Rick Lawrenson said...

The Republicans in the Senate must have read your blog. They required the unions, who are a great reason for the demise of the American auto industry, to come back to reality and they balked.

Andy Lawrenson said...

@rick lawrenson sure they read my blog. Isn't that where all great minds get their fodder.

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