Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Article on Age Segmentation in the Church
Monday, September 28, 2009
Last Night at Contagious
Friday, September 25, 2009
Parent Pod

During the summer our youth group has our weekly get together at the beach. A couple years ago we started the "Parent Pod". The parents would bring their beach chairs and gather together and hang out together while the students played in the water and had their Bible study.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Last Night at Contagious
Monday, September 14, 2009
Prayer Request
All Part of the Plan

It is easy to get in the routine and then get stuck in a rut. This summer we met each Sunday night at the beach for our youth gathering. Now that school has started we will be moving back to the church building. I noticed this summer several of our students who didn't attend even one youth group gathering at the beach, I also noted that we need to see some new faces at youth group.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Day to Remember

On this day in 2001 Mish and I were sitting in the living room of "Weekend at Burnie's" beach house. We had traveled to the OBX for my interview for the staff position of youth and children's pastor at NHC.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Youth Pastor's Work Schedule
- 4 office days a week when possible
- flexible hours with consideration of time out to games, events, activities (yesterday I knew I wouldn't get home till close to 8pm so I came in to work later in the day)
- at least one day off a week (and someone needs to hold staff accountable to take their day off. I'm not a work-a-holic so I usually don't have a problem taking my day off and most weeks two days. I know my limitations and "stress" points)
- minimum two weeks vacation from the get go and if a youth pastor is moving in from another church vacation time should move with him, he may be changing locations but is still working for the same God. I can tell when it is time for vacation because I start to get a little mean and cranky.
- Comp time after big youth events like summer camp, mission trips, retreats, etc., anything that pulls a YP from his family. (after camp I usually work Sunday and one to two office days the following week)
- Sabbaticals with pay. At NHC staff can either take 5 weeks after each 5 years or 7 weeks after each 7 years. This could be the secret to keeping church staff longer than a couple of years. Rick has been here like forever.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Team Contagious Youth
Monday, September 7, 2009
The President's School Speech
Labor Day
58Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
"Stand firm" - God has place you where you are to minister to the students who cross your path. Don't let the trials of life blow you over. Don't let the negative folks in the church defeat you. Stand firm in the Lord. Know that He is the one who can give you the strength to stand.
"Let nothing move you" - nothing |ˈnəθi ng |pronoun - not anything; no single thing.
"Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord" - Guard yourselves against the half baked, half hearted approach to youth ministry. Protect yourself from burn out.
Why? "Because you know your labor is not in vain." - You can't always see the fruits of your efforts but you are impacting lives. You may never know how a conversation with a student may be just the thing they needed to get life back on track. You may not realize that sitting week after week with students play Farkle makes a difference in their lives. You may never know how important it is in that kid's life when you sit down at Taco Bell and have a taco with him.
Happy Labor Day! Your labor is not in vain! Keep ministering to students!
New Site is up and Running
My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at andylawrenson.com . There is also a ...

I have been attending church my entire life (43 short years) and in all those years the churches I attended had baptism services seemed like...
Rick is out of town this weekend and I'm preaching. I would like to start off with a top ten list. "Top ten reasons we know Rick ...