Monday, August 31, 2009
No More Orphans
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Contagious Tonight
- What obstacles do students face in sharing their faith with friends?
- Do you have faith that God can change your friends' lives?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Contagious Lesson
To be a good influencer:
- Make the best of your situation
It is in the tough times of your life that your circle of influence will really see the difference that a relationship with Jesus Christ makes in your life.
- Let your commitment to God make the difference
Daniel resolved – 1: 8
- Don’t allow the culture you are in to influence you - influence your culture
Daniel 3
Group Discussion
- Who is in your circle of influence?
- What are you actively doing to influence them towards Christ?
- Do you have friends in your circle that you could bring to youth group with you?
- Do you think you will encounter opposition if you live life at school this year as an influencer? Why? Who from?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Look Ma, I'm a Guest Blogger
Ministry is a joy but . . .
Sometimes ministry can be frustrating. Sometimes ministry can be hard. Sometimes ministry can be exhausting. We can’t escape these aspects of ministry. The reason ministry can be hard is because ministry involves people and people come with baggage, hurt, pain, anger, bitterness, laziness, etc. (Read More)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Who has your back?
Any time you pull a bunch of teens together you are at risk of something happening. Something good, that’s what we all hope will happen, something bad, we don’t want that to happen but it does and sometimes it is our own fault as leaders.
Who has your back should something go wrong on a youth event or activity? Preparation and planning can be your best friend.
- Insurance – unless your church is stuck in 1850 you should have a liability policy that covers injuries and protects you and your church.
- Medical releases and permission forms. Ever take a kid out of town and his parents didn’t know he was gone? Can you say, “kidnap”? Ever show up to a hospital without “proper paperwork” including insurance numbers? I try to put them in a folder alphabetically so you can find a form quickly if needed.
- Staffing – When going on a trip or having an activity it is important to have more than enough adults on hand. I personally like the ratio of 1 adult to 8 students. Don’t have enough staff? Don’t have the event. It’s a safety issue.
- Understandings – Make sure the staff understands, up front, what is expected from them. The last thing I need on a trip is a 35 year old who thinks he is 16. What I need are caring adults who are wanting to impact student’s lives.
- Understandings #2 – Make sure students and their parents understand what is expected of them.
- Driving – Don’t drive like a goob. Be responsible. “Hey, I saw this in a cartoon once and I think I can do it.”
- Policies are our friends - Have some clearly defined policies in advance that cover any situation you can think of. When a situation arises that you haven’t thought about add it to your list. (I’m working on this)
- The Big “No No” – Never be alone with a student of the same or opposite sex. If it is in a counseling session leave the door cracked or be in eyeshot of another adult leader.
- Home Alone – Never leave students alone and unsupervised. Example: "You kids stay here by the tents while I run up the road to the grocery store with the other adult leaders."
- First Aid – it helps to have someone along with some first aid training.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Reconstruction of Contagious Youth #1
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Principles for Parents
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Join The Contagious Team!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Growing in Ministry
Our responsibility as parents and youth ministers is to help our kids, students, grow in ministry. How do we accomplish this? Here are a few ideas:
Teach them SHAPE
S – Spiritual gifts – as believers in Christ we have each been gifted by the Holy Spirit and these gifts are to be used serving the church.
H – Heart – Using what we are passionate about to serve the church
A – Abilities – We each have abilities to be used in serving the church
P – Personality – We each have a unique personality that can be used in serving the church
E – Experiences – In life we each have different experiences we have been through that can be used in serving the church. Even the bad experiences because God never wastes a hurt.
Since more is caught than is taught it is good for students to see us serving the church. What ministry are you involved in at your church? Does your teen see you serving regularly at your church? Perhaps, at family devotion time, share with your teen what your ministry is and why you love serving Christ and his church (without preaching).
Look for opportunities for students to serve. At NHC several of our students help in our Kids’ Zone each Sunday morning. We also have opportunities to serve by allowing them to help set up and prepare for the youth group gathering.
As a parent we can look for opportunities to involve our kids in the ministry we are active in. Bring your teen along to help, maybe not every week but enough for them to get a taste of what serving and why it is important to you.
If your teen gets involved in ministry look for opportunities to “debrief” and allow them to share how they felt about the ministry experience. Point out others who are serving and talk about their ministry together.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tonight at Contagious
Friday, August 7, 2009
Happy Birthday To Our Twins!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Taking an Unexpected Turn
- Remember God is Sovereign (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Remember to Pray (Matthew 26:39)
- Remember Your Call (Matthew 28:18-20)
- Remember your Family (Ephesians 5:21 - 6:4)
Last Night at Contagious
- Use one old "see and say" from the church nursery or yard sale
- Divide students into teams by age
- Take a volunteer from each group (play as many rounds as you like)
- Take a "volunteer" from the YM team to compete as well
- Pull the handle and the contestant must imitate the animal.
- Students vote by cheering for their favorite in each round
- Have a final round with the winner of each round
- Give a cheap prize to the winner (we gave the winner Mt. Dew)
- Trust the Gardner
- Pruning makes new growth
- Grafting is good
- We can reach and climb with support
New Site is up and Running
My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at . There is also a ...

I have been attending church my entire life (43 short years) and in all those years the churches I attended had baptism services seemed like...
Rick is out of town this weekend and I'm preaching. I would like to start off with a top ten list. "Top ten reasons we know Rick ...