Thursday, May 7, 2009

Parents Modeling a Passionate Pursuit of Christ

I'm still chewing . . .
 Yesterday's Post

I was wondering this morning how many parents have even taken the time to stop and think about what their child's purpose?  I'll be honest I didn't think about this until this seminar.  I think about my children's future, I pray they come to know Christ and follow after him but never really gave much thought to their purpose.  

For years I have been observing other parents with their children.  I think it is safe to say that many think that their child's purpose is to make good grades, be the best on the athletic team, just be happy in life, be "successful",  but I have only observed a few who have the view that their child's purpose is to become more like Christ.  Some parents get so caught up in the wrong priorities that the passionate pursuit of our Savior gets placed on the back burner.

I hope my kids do their best in school, I hope they give it their all if they play a sport, but more importantly I pray my children become like Christ.

Where will they learn how to become more Christlike?  They should learn from me, I should be their model and I should be modeling Christ to them.

Luke 6:40

A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

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