Monday, March 31, 2008
It is official
If I Seem Grumpy
Three Things
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Pins and Needles
Friday, March 28, 2008
Together is Good

Together is good. God has created us for community. His plan for believers is that we be plugged in, connected, with other believers in the family of local church. We were meant to be together, and together is good.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
This Is What Church Looks Like!
I don't do Windows

Really, I can think of a lot more things I would rather do on a Saturday than wash windows. I could have been at home working in my yard, or playing with my son. You see washing windows just isn’t my thing. I think there are probably other people out there that enjoy washing windows but not me.
One thing that has really bugged me about my church is the front windows have needed cleaning for a long time. Here at the beach the salt and sand really mess a window up quick. The past two weeks I’ve been thinking someone needs to really clean those windows.
Earlier this week I pretty much decided the someone that needed to clean the windows was probably me. Why? I saw the need.
Don’t get me wrong. Nags Head Church is a great church when it comes to doing ministry. The majority, over 90%, of our members are on ministry teams. Some serve an hour or two a week to several hours a week.
What I have never understood is how someone can be part of a church and never lift a finger in ministry. That has always boggled my mind. I think that being selfish is part of the old nature but I have (in my adult years) always done my best to pull my share of the load in ministry.
So as I stood out front, with the 20-foot pole with a squeegee on it, I was doing some thinking. What else can you do while cleaning windows?
I think God used those big windows today to remind me of a few things:
1. Leaders need to set the example; if we expect members to take their “day off” to serve we should be willing to do the same.
2. When I see a ministry that needs doing I need to help get it done, after all I’m part of the body at NHC.
3. Sometimes we do ministry because it needs to be done even when it's not our "cup of tea".
4. Serving God is fun; even though I don’t do windows I enjoyed my time cleaning windows.(because I was serving my Savior, I wasn't just cleaning windows)
5. We should have a desire to serve God and the church.
6. Parents should look for opportunity to do ministry with their kids. What better way to teach children about getting involved in ministry?
7. Vinegar and hot water do an awesome job cleaning windows.
What needs doing at your church? Just do it! (That’s how I ended up in youth ministry)
PS In this post I’m not looking for a pat on the back or a prize (God will take care of that) I’m just sharing what I thought about while on the roof of the lobby cleaning windows.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Goat is Taking Shape

The World's Greatest Hot Dog
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Dinner
Free Web Survey
Saturday, March 22, 2008
More than Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs

My two favorite things to eat at Easter time are Peeps (you should see what a microwave does to these little yellow morsels of marshmallowy goodness) and Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs (they are like Reeses PB cups on steroids).
You spoke and worlds were formed
You breathed and life was born
You knew that one day You would come
So far from Heaven's throne
Clothed in human form
You showed the world the Father's love
You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
Your grace has broken ev'ry chain
My sins are gone, my debt's been paid
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
For me
You lived a sinless life
Yet, You were crucified
You bought our freedom on the cross
Forsaken for our sin
You died and rose again
Jesus, You are the Lamb of God
You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
Your grace has broken ev'ry chain
My sins are gone, my debt's been paid
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
For me
How glorious is Your love
If I could sing forever it's not enough to say
How glorious is Your love
If I could sing forever it's not enough to say
How glorious
You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
Your grace has broken ev'ry chain
My sins are gone, my debt's been paid
You gave, You gave Your life away for me
Acoustic Groove Publishing
Kathryn Scott & Paul Baloche
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Contagious was crazy good tonight!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Building Community in a Youth Group
I am a member of an online community of youth leaders, this community is and is open to anyone that leads in youth ministry in their local church whether on staff or volunteer. It's a great place to get some ideas and resources.
The following is a blog I posted t iyouthministry recently:
Years ago I realized our mid-week youth group was doing absolutely nothing to build community. Students would show up right at 7 or just a few minutes before and we would dive right in. Our church doesn't have Sunday School or small groups at that time, so this was our one shot to for students to build some meaningful relationships with other students and with their leaders.
We introduced "Hang Time". We gave students the option to show up at 6 for an hour of just chilling and hanging out together. No real organization to it. Throw out some snacks, have some table and video games available and a ball or two, crank up the music videos and Hang Time had its birth. Fun brings people together, unless the individual has a crusty personality.
Hang Time has become one of our favorite time as a youth group for both students and leaders.
Some thoughts on building community:
1. Look for something you already do as a youth group that could be tweaked to build community
2. Provide opportunity for students and volunteers to just hang out together. Buy a bunch of table games/card games and turn them loose to have some fun.
3. If you use a worship service type of youth group meeting time then mix it up. Have students sit at tables with a volunteer and mix in some discussion and prayer time into your weekly lesson. Sitting in rows doesn't build community, but gathered around a table discussing together does build community.
4. Start a (or some) small group(s) that meet in homes.
5. Find some mission or local community service projects you can do on a quarterly basis together.
Community is a huge part of Christianity and students and adults alike all have a longing to belong.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Me and Ellie

Saturday, March 15, 2008
My 7 Things
Are you good at reading maps?
- Psalms 31
- 14.
- But I trust in You, Lord; I say, "You are my God."
- 15.
- The course of my life is in Your power;
- Now wouldn't it make sense to get to know the map maker?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
First Impressions Team are a Bunch of Animals
Imagine being the parent of a toddler, a bit nervous about leaving your child in the church nursery (NHC nursery has workers who have agreed to a background check and most are CPR certified, and we have a secure check-in and check-out process). Imagine being a little toddler walking into a big building with lots of tall people around you. After completing the check in process you round the corner to the children's hall and are greeted by our new FI team members. . . .
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
>Cookies, Chips, and some super salty popcorn was consumed
>Some students spent time helping stuff the eggs for the children's easter egg hunt
>Football was being played on the front lawn
>Ping Pong was being played (even Ramon with his knee brace was playing)
>We got to present another magnet tonight to a new youth group member
>Lots of hanging out together
>Brandy and Janette got to sit on the stage at a little round table and enjoy a pizza during the Bible study
>We covered the core truth of Atonement. Do you know what Atonement is?
>Another student trusted Jesus as Savior tonight! (the same one that got the magnet)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Student Life Summer Camp
Core Truth #4
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A Kiss for Mommy

I grew up in church, I have attended church since months before I was born. Back in the day (again referencing my old age) missionaries would occasionally give a report at the church service. Now, as a kid, I was always thrilled because that usually meant a break from the normal preacher, plus you were getting drug out of the house for the evening service and missing Wonderful World of Disney so the missionary was a good substitute. (let me give a shout out to pastors: don't be afraid to give up the pulpit one Sunday morning every now and then to let your folks hear how God is using a missionary to impact lives. I bet if there was a poll done most missionaries end up with the Sunday night and Wednesday night service, short changing the congregation from learning more about missions. Isn't missions what we really are supposed to be about. And if you do give up preaching a Sunday morning sermon don't try to make up for it by giving a half hour of announcements :) )
Thursday, March 6, 2008
You Are Grounded!
I write this post now as there is no one grounded (that I know of) from youth group (at least at our church). Now that is not to say it hasn’t happened in the past and it probably will happen again in the future. I write this because I know some youth pastor came home from youth group last night or last Sunday night disappointed because the lesson was one that really would have been good for “Johnny” to hear but “Johnny” wasn’t there because he had been grounded from youth group.
Let’s unpack this grounded from youth group scenario.
It is understandable when a parent who isn’t a Christian or isn’t involved in church grounds their kid from youth group. They don’t understand the importance that youth group plays in the spiritual formation of their teen. (How did you like that use of “formation”?) So let’s assume that “Johnny’s” parents are Christians.
Why ground a teen from youth group? “It’s just a bunch of games at youth group”.
Perhaps at some youth groups that is true. But truth of the matter is that while there may be games to help bring a fun factor into church there is still truth taught from God’s Word. Sure there are games and fun. If church was boring why would a teen (or an add youth pastor) want to even go to church?
Church isn’t something we do only on Sunday morning. We are the church, whenever we get together as believers we are the church coming together to worship. Teenage Christians are the church. When the youth group gets together that is church. So would you ground “Johnny” from church? Church is church whether it is on Sunday morning or Wednesday night, whether it is in the “sanctuary” or in the youth room. To ground a student from youth group is to ground a student from church.
It’s been interesting that in the many years I’ve been a youth pastor I’ve seen many “church kids” grounded from youth group. I have never actually understood it. Many of my youth pastor friends have shared their frustrations with me in this area. What compounds the frustration is when “Johnny” is grounded from youth group but is at ball practice the next day. “Johnny” has a commitment to his ball team." What about his commitment to the church?
Why ground “Johnny” from church?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Ladies and Gentleman
(Bump) I find it interesting. . .
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Are you self-feeding?
- 4.
- Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths;
- 5.
- guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long
New Site is up and Running
My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at . There is also a ...

I have been attending church my entire life (43 short years) and in all those years the churches I attended had baptism services seemed like...
Rick is out of town this weekend and I'm preaching. I would like to start off with a top ten list. "Top ten reasons we know Rick ...