The trap that many Christian parents have fallen into is the idea of "I'll take my kid to church and they can learn about God there." The other side of the spectrum is the "I don't want to force this on my kids." Both are unhealthy approaches. So as a parent what is my responsibility? Deuteronomy 6
- Love God with everything I've got
- Know God's Word (be a student of the Bible)
- Be a positive example of God's Word
- Impress God's Word on my kids' hearts (the idea of sealing their hearts)
- Talk about God and His Word in our everyday life
- Center our home on God
The earlier we start this in our children's life the easier it is to carry through life, even into their teen years. At NHC each week our kids go home with a map book that they can work together with their parents on. The wise parent takes advantage of this fantastic tool.
For parents of teens who have not been doing this it will take extra effort to get this going at home. Each week I e-mail parents some scripture and discussion questions for them to read and talk about with their kids during the week. This discipleship devotion ties in with our lesson on Sunday nights at Contagious. If parents do this with their teen they are laying a foundation that gets reinforced at Contagious.
So how are you doing in the spiritual formation in your child's life?
Hey Andy,
Loved this post! I just finished reading Think Orange and it has rocked my thinking...
I was wondering if you could email me a copy of a current map book?
(if you have an electronic version)
Also, I noticed that you said you email parents... Have you found another way to connect with them? Im thinking through different ideas when it comes to connecting with the parents so any ideas that you have would be a great help!
Thank, Colston
we loved the devos this past week. thanks for helping me disciple my kids.
we loved the devos for this week. thanks
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