Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When a Plan Doesn’t Come Together

I hate it when plan doesn’t come together. How about you?

This month the plan was to launch a series on moving from shallow faith to deep faith. The whole idea is that I’m responsible for my spiritual growth. We want to give students the tools necessary to grow in their faith, the spiritual habits they need to form in their lives today.

Great series. Great plan. I failed!

I failed to look at the calendar.
Here is what I am in the middle of now at the very beginning and it didn’t hit me until Sunday night:

Sunday, May 1 – The end of our students’ spring break. So we had the break to compete with and some incredibly awesome beach weather.

Sunday, May 8 – Mother’s Day. We always give our team “off” that day to celebrate Mother’s Day with their family. We can’t change Mother’s Day now can we?

Sunday, May 15 – We have youth group

Sunday, May 22 – Church Picnic! We also take off from youth group for the church picnic. In the past the picnic has been on Memorial Day weekend. I assumed (you know what happens) that this year it would be the same. We may punt and do youth group at the park at the end of the picnic.

Sunday, May 29 – Memorial Day weekend. You know that will take a bite out of attendance.

It’s hard to do a series with a bunch of breaks or obstacles in the middle of it. The moral of the story is to look at the calendar and not just the dates but the activities and events going on and around those dates. Been doing this a long time and should have known better. Sometimes driving in cruise control is dangerous isn’t it?

So we will make the best of it. I’m planning on (if this plan comes together):

  1. Utilizing Facebook to send students their daily scripture readings for each week whether we meet or not.
  2. Hopefully doing youth group at the picnic. Could be lots of fun.
  3. Doing something special on Memorial Day weekend as an added “draw”.
  4. Updating Parents as usual in our weekly e-mail update with some added info from our lessons so perhaps they can work some of the verses into their daily Bible reading with their kids.

What do you do when a plan doesn’t come together?

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New Site is up and Running

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