Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Super Bowl Party = Great. The Game = BORING

We hosted our annual Super Bowl Party this past Sunday evening (that would only make sense).
At the writing of this blog post our church does not have cable or satellite so we streamed the game online and put it on the big screen and flat screens in The Loft.  Worked great with only a few hiccups.

We asked the students to bring either a bag of chips or a package of cookies.  The result is we have enough chips to last for the rest of February's youth group gatherings. (all part of the plan)
Here are the stats:
18 sq. feet of dip, chips and other goodies. (you have to hear "goodies" in the voice of Nacho)
40 roast beef, ham, and turkey melts.
A triple batch of queso.
12 liters of soda pop.
2 gallons of red Kool Aid.

The sandwich melts were easy to make and a great way to feed a bunch of people without a lot of work.  We placed sandwich meat (we used Boar's Head meats and cheese) and cheese on a hamburger bun.  Wrapped each sandwich individually in aluminum foil.  Popped them in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes.  Then we moved them into a roaster oven to keep them warm.  Students grabbed the sandwich they desired.  We wrote on the foil with a sharpie so they knew what was roast beef, ham or turkey, etc.

One of our team members, we call her "Cinni Mini", make some sort of giant food for the party each year.  This year she made Dip Stadium.  Home made bean dip and guacamole and lots of other good stuff.  Check it out!

During half time another team member, we call him "Scott", shared from the Bible and showed this challenging video.

This is a great inexpensive event to do and the students who attend have a blast hanging out together.

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New Site is up and Running

My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at . There is also a ...