This past weekend we hosted
The Call 2015. Students from several different youth groups and their leaders gathered at Nags Head Church for a weekend of intensive learning and worship.

During our main worship sessions we were led in worship in music by the MP13 Band. The band did a great job of leading and the students jumped right in. Loved it!
Our first night
Dave Glander shared his story of how God changed his life. A powerful example of life-change.
Day two:
Students were picked a track for the weekend, so the students were with the same leader, same topic, same group of students for the weekend in the tracks.
We had Shane McGann from
LeaderTreks leading the 4 sessions of leadership. Shane did a great job, our students shared with me about some of the things they learned and the initiatives they did together in that track.

I shared a message during our second worship session. The focus was on being a follower of Jesus and not simply settling for being a believer in Jesus Christ.
Todd Kemp, youth pastor of Bagley Swamp Wesleyan Church, led our track on evangelism. Students were equipped to share their faith and were given the opportunity to practice sharing together.
Amy Denson, youth pastor at Duck United Methodist Church, led the discipleship track. Student learned some great spiritual habits to instill in their lives to help them grow in their faith and be more deeply rooted.
Dave Glander led our apologetics track. The students had a great time learning to defend their faith. One student said to me, "Dave blew evolution out of the water."
I met with the youth leaders. We wrote several topics we wanted to
discuss together on a giant post it note. Then we chipped away at the
topics. I also shared about our team restructure and our focus on
discipleship in 2015.
Ramon Sanchez wrapped up the weekend by challenging students to take what they learned this weekend and put it into action in their lives, not just store it up but to let it go.
This was the smoothest flowing The Call we have ever hosted. Our volunteers knocked it out of the park! Everyone knew what they were supposed to do and they did it. Very little, if any, stress on me leading the event. The sign of having great support from wonderful volunteers and good planning.
Already looking forward to The Call 2016!