Yesterday we left our home and drove to Lynchburg, Va. to watch Chicago, my niece played the role of Roxie and did a fabulous job. They may be the first high school to take on this play.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leftovers Part 4
Yesterday we left our home and drove to Lynchburg, Va. to watch Chicago, my niece played the role of Roxie and did a fabulous job. They may be the first high school to take on this play.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Throw Your Hands Up!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Leftovers Part 3
Today was another leftover vacation day. It wasn't quite as fun as yesterday.
- I spent about two hours this morning at the eye doctors.
- I found out I'm getting glasses. Not bad because I'll pick out the coolest frames I can find.
- I discovered that my pterygium had grown larger on my right eye. The result of getting liquid bleach (not diluted) in my eyes many years ago. It is now scooting to close to my pupil which would then mess up my vision.
- I was told that I needed to carve out a couple weeks of time when I'm not busy to have this ptergyium sliced off my eye. Hello!!!!!! I said sliced off my eye!!! FREAKY! and then they will graft some sort of amniotic (just wondering what that is all about) tissue onto my eye to replace the tissue they cut off!!!!!
- I was given a prescription for expensive eye drops. They are EXPENSIVE! I'll be using those for three months.
- I found out I get to visit my eye doctor (she was super helpful in explaining things to me, I had a hard time getting past the slice part) next month, in 6 months, then again in a year.
- I'm supposed to wear sunglasses anytime I go outdoors so if you see me wearing shades just pretend I'm really cool.
- I ate a super lovely Sonic lunch with my family in Currituck on the way to Ty's dental appointment in Va. Beach. A little cleaning and the dentist was going to take a look-see.
- We got there way early drove around to kill time.
- When they called Ty back the nurse stopped us behind the door and asked us to wait in the lobby while they brushed his teeth and got him prepped because they were crowded back there. They would come get us when the doctor was looking at Ty.
- Ty's 3 and a half and he is not going with a stranger anywhere for any kind of medical stuffs at all without mom in tow.
- Meanwhile some kid is screaming at the top of his lungs as he is being tortured, I mean worked on.
- We let the nurse know that we were going with him or he wasn't going at all.
- They didn't budge on their "policy" and we didn't budge either as his parents, we are responsible to protect him. Plus a 3 year old can't explain to you what happened back there in the exam room.
- We walked out. A wasted trip to Va Beach. Now we have to find a good pediatric dentist.
- He lost us as paying patients for the next number of years.
- He will be getting a letter of complaint from me and an invoice for 5 hours of wasted time in my life and my gas costs to travel to Va Beach and back. It won't accomplish anything but it will make me feel good.
- I'll be rating him on Yahoo. They have a rating thing for dentists. Yahoooooo!
- We thought we would go to Lens Crafters to get my glasses while up there. Discovered that glasses are cheaper here at my eye doctors office.
- Hindsight is 20/20
Leftovers Part 2
OK. So as I re-read my blog on leftovers from yesterday it got me wondering. . .
- Carve out a some time each day where your focus is on your child. This may freak your teen out at first but they will appreciate it down the road.
- Wake up Saturday, load the family in the car and take a spontaneous day trip. Drive to Hatteras and take the Ferry to Ocrakoake for lunch and to see the ponies. Load em up and go up to Chesapeake for some ice skating. Take the family to Laser Quest, nothing brings a family together like a good game of laser tag or paintball.
- Have fun with you kid on a daily basis. You don't have to spend a lot of money. Take them to school in a game of Uno. Have fun!
- Have them help you cook their favorite meal. Ty loves doing this.
- Have family movie night. Pop the popcorn and settle in for a movie marathon.
- Take the family on a destination unknown. (that would be brilliant for a summer vacation)
- Guard your calendar and schedule in some time for your kids that are non-negotiable for you or for them.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sometimes leftovers are good. It just depends on what the meal is.
Pray for my friend Claire
My Actions, My Heart, My Worship, My Mouth
- 4.
- He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.
- 5.
- He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.
Top Ten Reasons You Know Rick is Out of Town
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Smells of Sunday
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I need your help
The Gift of Life
Friday, February 22, 2008
(Bump) Welcome to my blog party!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
2 Miracles and my vegetarian lunch (yes, I said vegetarian)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
My Mission, My Responsibility
If I told you that you could go on a mission trip each day where would you want to go? My mind drifts to Hawaii at this point.
If you knew you could wake up each morning and take a mission trip to a certain people group whom would you want to reach?
Part of my responsibility as a parent is to teach Ty that Jesus Christ has called all of his followers to be on mission in their world. This means that every day when we wake up as followers of Christ we step out of the door of our home and into the mission field. It doesn’t have to be a foreign land. As a matter of fact we now have missionaries from other countries to the USA because we are that messed up, and obviously the followers here (self included) aren’t doing enough to reach our own country.
If I’m going to teach my son how to be a missionary then two things are going to have to happen:
- He must see me doing missions. More is caught than taught.
- I must give him and show him the opportunity to do mission.
This is our responsibility as Christian parents, to do any less is messed up and failure. Could we even be bold enough as to say it is “sin”?
This morning I attended the FCA at FFHS. I was so impressed that this group of students would make the effort (mission takes effort) to get up early and head to school for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and most aren’t even athletes, which it is great that FCA is reaching the non-athletes as well. I went to do a little videoing and while there I noticed that our youth group was barely represented. This made me realize a couple of things:
- I haven’t done a good enough job publicizing this group with our students.
- I haven’t stressed the importance of campus mission with parents.
- I haven’t shown our students the potential for them to reach many students with the good news of Jesus Christ by using a club on their campus, their mission field.
- What is the purpose of this FCA huddle? Does the huddle even know?
Parents, if your school has a Christian club you have an excellent opportunity to teach your child about missions by making sure that the parent taxi (another blog coming soon on this topic of parent taxi) is running early, work with other parents to car pool, to get your son or daughter to their school to meet with this club. On top of that use this as an opportunity to pray with your teen in the car on the way to school asking God to help him or her to be a missionary to the largest mission field in America, the public school system.
As a parent are you modeling mission to your teen?
As a Youth Leader are you modeling mission to your teen?
As a teen are you modeling mission to your friends?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Fringe and our Responsibility
- The Core has to discover that they need to be the ones to reach out to the Fringe. (it just comes better from a peer than from a overweight, old, youth pastor) So their is a student's responsibility from the Core.
- Youth group has to have a draw. If it is boring, if there is no hang time, if it is an hour long lecture, if the adult leaders sit around in their own little pocket of fellowship instead of rubbing elbows with a student and whooping them in a game of Uno, if the Core are snobs then why would a Fringe want to take part.
- The Fringe has to take a gamble and try youth group at least once. This is where positive peer pressure can really come into play. Which leads to the next. . .
- Parents have to parent. Christian parents have to take the lead by setting the example. Are they connected to a small group themselves? Is corporate worship a priority in their home? Parents have to say, "Wednesday night I'm taking you to youth group. If this is freaking you out find a friend and Ill take them with you". Possibly stop for pizza on the way back and debrief and find out how it went. I'm a parent and I can tell you that I will never let Ty not go to school because "I don't want to go" comes out of his mouth. I'm the parent and I'm supposed to know best. How much more important is surround our children's lives with the Word of God? I have always liked this parenting saying: "If you don't parent your teen you won't like who will.
- If the Fringe doesn't have Christian parents that is where it is our responsibility as a church to step in and mentor the Fringe as a community of believers.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wrap it up to go please!
Wow! The 6th annual The Call at NHC is over. What a truly incredible weekend we had together.
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Call Day 1
Today I woke up at 6am. Eyes blinked, mind said, "get ready for The Call. "
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My son and my first wife
I knew the "first wife" bit would get your attention! Mish is my first and only wife.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's a Kingdom thing
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Call is Closing In
- No discipleship at home from Mom and Dad
- Not learning to "self feed" from God's Word
- Haven't developed the HABITS necessary to grow in faith
- Don't know what they believe and why they believe it
- Never really connected with the church
- We offer a weekly youth group meeting. A time for students to get together hang out, have some fun and learn from the Bible a lesson that is relevant to their life today.
- We offer weekly in-home small group Bible studies.
- We encourage students to get involved in ministry and mission.
- We are striving towards the goal of equipping and giving parents resources to disciple their teen. This is one of our main focuses this year in our youth ministry.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Core Truth #2 - The Virgin Birth - Part 2
- Common Objections to Belief in the Virgin Birth
- the first objection some scholars raise centers on the language of the Bible. Some translations of Isaiah 7:14 read “ a young woman shall conceive and bear a son” rather than “a virgin shall conceive.
When Isaiah was written in the Hebrew language did the word that’s translated as “virgin” mean what we think it means? Had Mary truly been a virgin or was she “just a young woman?”
The Isaiah 7 word that is usually translated “virgin” is the Hebrew word almah. It occurs only seven times in the entire Bible. Scholars have noted that in every case, “virgin” is the only meaning attached to the word.
When the translators were taking the Hebrew to the Greek they used the Greek word, parthenos, which can only mean virgin.
- The second objection is disbelief in miracles
For about 150 years, since the theory of evolution became popular, there has been a widespread belief that miracles do not occur.
Naturalism says that there can be no miracles, absolutely nothing supernatural. For them God is not a factor, they think the universe evolved. One objection they use is against the virgin birth because it goes “against nature”.
The naturalist says “The virgin birth story arose at a time when people were too ignorant to know better, after all we all know how babies are made.”
Think of the arrogance behind that statement. Do they really think that people 2,700 years ago didn’t know how babies are made?
So how does all of this relate to the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ? Simple, If God is powerful enough to create this planet and all of the people on it why wouldn’t He have the ability to work within it.
Who Jesus was and what Jesus did and what he said all of these mean nothing if Jesus was born mortal like us.
The Greatest act of Caring
Matthew 18-12-14
You matter to God. Jesus virgin birth and miraculous life are proof positive that God cares for you.
Because of sin, there was need for a Savior. Jesus Christ met all the qualification for “saviorhood. Psalm 40 was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born and later cited in Hebrews 10:4 as proof of Jesus authenticity, predicts that God would one day take on human form.
79% of Americans say they believe in the virgin birth.
Parent/Teen Discussion:
What do you think your friend's objections to the virgin birth of Christ might be?
Parents, you may want to share the opinion you had before trusting in Jesus as Savior or share the opinions of some of your friends with your teen.
Do you believe in miracles? Why or Why not?
Why do you think the virgin birth is important to our faith?
Spend a few minutes reading together the scriptures cited above and talk about any questions or interesting thoughts either of you might have.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My Mouth, My Heart
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Brussel Sprouts, Facebook, and auto flush toilets
Brussel Sprouts were first grown in ancient Rome. Thank the Roman empire for these little mini-cabbages. They are, by the way, from the same family as cabbages, actually they started out as a wild growing plant. Brussel sprouts as we know them today were grown as early as 1200s's in what is now Belgium. During the 16th century the popularity of these little green morsels of goodness started to spread. Brussel sprouts are packed with vitamins, folic acid and have been considered a preventative to colon cancer because of the sinigrin they contain.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Blown Away!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A Faithful Reminder of God's Faithfulness
Psalm 19 is an incredible chapter. I woke up early Sunday morning and glad I did because I forgot to set my alarm. I went ahead and got out of bed knowing that I wouldn't fall back to sleep, so I might as well get up. I did my usual beauty ritual and made sure my spikes were all in their place.
Monday, February 4, 2008
hilarious and a little creepy
Friday, February 1, 2008
I laughed so hard I cried
Mish and I are sitting in the living room watching TV. Ty's in bed so this is our "down" time.
Best video to watch in the world today
Two Announcements
My Second Political Post
New Site is up and Running
My new web site which now hosts my blog posts is up and fully functional. You can check it out at . There is also a ...
I have been attending church my entire life (43 short years) and in all those years the churches I attended had baptism services seemed like...
I was wondering this morning what I blogged about a year ago today. Here is a post from a year ago today. I just thought about this a bit...