Our approach to these holidays shows that we value family. Students are busier now than they ever have been.
Families are constantly on the go. While I don’t think this busyness is healthy I realize that we as student pastors need to look for ways to minister and help families who are running in multiple directions at one time. Canceling student ministry on those holiday weekends allows families to have some down time together, to actually rest and experience a sabbath together.
The volunteers in our student ministry serve every Sunday night, many of them also do some sort of ministry on Sunday morning as well. We ask that their Sunday morning ministry is their secondary ministry that doesn’t require them to spend hours at the church on Sunday morning because they need to be back on Sunday evening for two and a half hours. The holiday Sunday off for them allow them time as well to spend with their families. This also shows our volunteers how much we value them and appreciate all they do in student ministry.
Honestly there are parents and volunteers in our church who wouldn’t miss if we still met on the holiday because some people feel such an obligation to be present even though in their heart they would rather be at home with their family on the holiday.
Ideas for these holidays:
- Encourage families to get together with other families for lunch or picnic, some fellowship time together.
- Meet at a park, very relaxed, no real plan and program, play some games together, picnic.
- Create a family worship pdf for families to do together on that holiday.
- Invite volunteers and their families over for a cookout at your home.
- Focus on your own family and relax. Something we don’t normally get to do on a Sunday.
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